
No End in Sight For Boston’s Inventory Spiral

We’re all waiting for Boston’s housing inventory situation to improve…but that has yet to happen. The inventory situation in Boston continued to worsen in 2014, according to new numbers from Per’s analysis, inventory in Boston dropped by a whopping 19.3

Think Micro-Apartments Will Solve Boston’s Affordability Crisis? Think Again

Micro-apartments were pegged as the solution to Boston’s issues with housing affordability…but are they? It seems like a perfectly logical strategy at the time: incentivize developers to construct hundreds of new micro-apartments – small, compact living spaces of 400

These Will Be Boston’s 5 Hottest Neighborhoods in 2015

What neighborhoods in the Boston area will see the most real estate activity in 2015? Inman Square is poised to be Boston’s hottest real estate market in 2015, according to a special report from Redfin. In Redfin’s “Hottest Neighborhoods of 2015”

Special Report: Distressed Sales Nearly Nonexistent in Housing Today

Here is an undeniably positive development in the housing recovery. Distressed home sales – such as the one in our photo above – were the most visible result of the housing downturn, a true sign of the unfortunate times.

Will a ‘Strong’ U.S. Dollar Ruin International Real Estate in the U.S.?

Foreign home sales have been a big deal in the U.S., but could the strengthening economic climate change that? Foreign real estate has been a big deal in the U.S. during the housing recovery, and the numbers speak for themselves

2014 a Record-Setting Year For Boston’s Condo Market

Things may have been a bit inconsistent for Boston’s housing market, but its condo market was very strong. Boston’s housing market was a hotbed of contradictions and nuances in 2014, but one area showed undeniable strength – the city’s

Despite Price Increases, Boston Still an Undervalued Metro Area

We’ve come a long ways since the market crash, but new research suggest we’ve still a ways to go. Asking prices may be up in Boston by 5.1 percent, but the market remains undervalued to market fundamentals, according to a new

Special Report: First-Time Homebuyer Market Share at Highest Level Since 2012

Are we finally seeing the triumphant return of first-time homebuyers? We’ve reported in considerable detail that first-time homebuyers currently make up a historically low portion of the nation’s homebuying pool, but could that trend finally be on its way

Boston Asking Prices Post Strong Increases in 2014

Asking prices ended the year with on a strong note, according to new analysis. The Boston housing market closed off 2014 in a strong way, with asking prices rising 5.1 percent for the year, according to the latest Price Monitor from

Looking For the Most Encouraging Trend in Housing Right Now? We Have It

There are many positive things happening in housing right now, but this may be the most encouraging trend of all. On the surface, NAR’s latest existing-home sales report is not a very positive affair, with sales falling 6.1 percent

Special Report: Rental Housing in Boston Continues Strong Growth

Though Boston’s for-sale market is showing signs of a seasonal slowdown, its rental market continues to charge ahead. The rental market in the Boston area continued its ascent in 2014’s fourth quarter, completing one of the strongest rental years in recent memory,

The 8 Big Obstacles to Homeownership in 2015

What obstacles remain in the homebuying process? Consumers have many expectations for the housing market in 2015, but they’re also operating under little allusion as to the obstacles that remain in place between them and their dream home. So

Are Americans Finally Feeling Better About the Economy?

Economic sentiment has been pretty low for some time here in America, but does new survey data show that’s changing for the better? After a long purgatory, it seems that Americans are finally re-gaining their confidence in the economy,

Just How Much is Our Housing Market Worth?

We all know that our housing market has quite a bit of value behind it, but what’s the big number that it all adds up to? We’ll cut straight to the big number – $600 billion. That’s the cumulative

Special Report: Negative Equity in Boston is Nearly Nonexistent

Negative equity is not only down in Boston, but almost entirely absent in the area’s housing market. Last week, we reported a much-needed dosage of good news – that after peaking a few years back, negative equity in Boston has fallen

Negative Equity in Boston Plummets by 56.6%

The negative equity situation in Boston has improved markedly, according to new research by Zillow. Here is some encouraging news for you to end the week with – here in the Boston area, the share of mortgage properties in negative equity

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