Current Market Data

No End in Sight For Boston’s Inventory Spiral

We’re all waiting for Boston’s housing inventory situation to improve…but that has yet to happen. The inventory situation in Boston continued to worsen in 2014, according to new numbers from Per’s analysis, inventory in Boston dropped by a whopping 19.3

Boston Closes Out Rough Year of Real Estate in 2014

Boston’s market performed well in 2014, but not at the levels of 2013. Boston’s 2014 housing market finally drew to a close last month, and we’ve been studying the latest GBAR analysis for inklings on how the market performed.

Boston Home Prices Moderate Further in New Case-Shiller

Home prices in the Boston area did not set the indices on fire in the latest Case-Shiller. Home prices in the Boston area continued to moderate in November, falling 0.2 percent from October but rising a modest 4.0 percent from Nov. 2013, according

December Sales Hit 7 Year Peak, Threaten Affordability

Strong late year sales emphasize the presence of persisting demand, but low inventory could lead to eventual affordability problems. Existing-home sales faltered moving into the deep winter months, but according to a new report from the National Association of

Think Micro-Apartments Will Solve Boston’s Affordability Crisis? Think Again

Micro-apartments were pegged as the solution to Boston’s issues with housing affordability…but are they? It seems like a perfectly logical strategy at the time: incentivize developers to construct hundreds of new micro-apartments – small, compact living spaces of 400

SPECIAL REPORT: Boston Sees Healthy 2 Year Decline in Foreclosures

Using data provided by CoreLogic, we look closer at the foreclosure and serious delinquency rates of the last two years. Last week, we reviewed CoreLogic’s latest foreclosure report, which provided a brief snapshot of national and local foreclosure levels

Special Report: Distressed Sales Nearly Nonexistent in Housing Today

Here is an undeniably positive development in the housing recovery. Distressed home sales – such as the one in our photo above – were the most visible result of the housing downturn, a true sign of the unfortunate times.

Will a ‘Strong’ U.S. Dollar Ruin International Real Estate in the U.S.?

Foreign home sales have been a big deal in the U.S., but could the strengthening economic climate change that? Foreign real estate has been a big deal in the U.S. during the housing recovery, and the numbers speak for themselves

3 Ways the 2014 Homebuilding Market Bested 2013

How was 2014’s homebuilding market better than 2013’s? Allow us to count the ways… The numbers are in, and they’re quite clear in their conclusions – by every possible metric, 2014’s homebuilding market represented a strong improvement over 2013.

When to Schedule Closings: A Review of 2014

Danielle Hale of NAR tackles existing-homes sales to determine what the most popular closing dates of 2014 were. It’s a whimsical if not slightly tired cliché to say “it’s all in the timing,” but in rare form, it’s one

4 Important (and Surprising) Economic Trends Agents Should Know About

Sure, the economy is doing better than it was a year ago, but the narrative extends far deeper than that. New survey data from Pew Research is very much in line with the government’s latest jobs numbers, as more

Millennial Employment Stands Out in Housing Barometer

Trulia’s fourth quarter Housing Barometer explains how housing ended 2014 on a good note. Trulia released its newest Housing Barometer this week, which reflects 2014’s fourth quarter on a scale of 0 percent (recession levels) to 100 percent (pre-crisis

Just How Low are Mortgage Rates, Right Now? Answer: Really, Really Low

Okay, we all know that mortgage rates are low right now…but just how low? With mortgage rates expected to rise in 2015, we decided to take a closer look at the historical averages for rates – and via numbers from Freddie

2014 a Record-Setting Year For Boston’s Condo Market

Things may have been a bit inconsistent for Boston’s housing market, but its condo market was very strong. Boston’s housing market was a hotbed of contradictions and nuances in 2014, but one area showed undeniable strength – the city’s

October Cash Sales in Massachusetts Remain at Pre-Crisis Levels

Cash sales are on the decline, but still represent a large chunk of the market. Recovery was the word in 2014, as the national real estate market shifted and readjusted to find its footing, and as we slowly begin

Despite Price Increases, Boston Still an Undervalued Metro Area

We’ve come a long ways since the market crash, but new research suggest we’ve still a ways to go. Asking prices may be up in Boston by 5.1 percent, but the market remains undervalued to market fundamentals, according to a new

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