Joseph Smith, Branch Manager

Guaranteed Rate

Generating over $100 million in loan volume yearly since 2015, Joseph Smith is a top-ranking producer with 28 years of lending experience. As a branch manager at Guaranteed Rate, Smith, a former engineer and captain in the Air Force, helps borrowers of all kinds secure the right mortgage products at the lowest rates. “My team and I make the complicated lending process a smooth and simple one for our clients,” he says. “We maintain constant contact throughout the transaction and respond to questions and urgent calls immediately, no matter the day of the week.”

Joining the mortgage industry in 1993, Smith quickly realized that he was perfect for the job, applying the same attentiveness and problem-solving skills he honed in the military. “My team and I make sure our clients feel supported throughout the whole process. Whether that’s Realtors or borrowers, we want them to know we are with them every step of the way,” he says, adding that his efforts have been rewarded through numerous referrals and positive reviews. “It’s a great feeling knowing our clients enjoyed working with us and trust us to help their friends and family.”

In addition to being a member of the Chairman’s Circle since 2015, Smith ranked No. 38 among Mortgage Executive Magazine’s top 200 mortgage originators nationally in 2018 and No. 83 on the Scotsman Guide’s list of top originators in the country a year later. He is a member of the University of Southern California Alumni Council for Opportunity and Regional Engagement and financially supports Victory Programs, GLAAD, Community Research Initiative, the Trevor Project, the Guaranteed Rate Foundation and the nonprofit Bridge Over Troubled Waters.

In his downtime, Smith enjoys running, fishing, jet-boarding, skiing and playing football and soccer with his sons, Ayden and Owen.

Guaranteed Rate, Inc. is a private corporation organized under the laws of the state of Delaware. It has no affiliation with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the U.S. Department of Agriculture or any other government agency.

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