My Style: Shannon Rideout, Broadway Village Real Estate, South Boston

by Boston Agent


Shannon Rideout, with Broadway Village Real Estate in South Boston

Number of years in real estate: Seven years

Describe your look: I like to stick to sophisticated basics with a neutral palette and clean lines, then try to add a bold accessory to give my outfit an edge.

What do you consider a “fashion don’t”? An ill-fitting suit. With so many new flattering separates, you can keep your style while still being professional!

What is your favorite piece of clothing and why? Jeans – with the wash just dark enough, the perfect length and comfortable fit, you can polish up any look!

What do you consider a must-have accessory? A bright/patterned scarf. It can add to an outfit for any season!

Where are your favorite places to shop? Local boutiques like Ku De Ta and Wears + Wares, Banana Republic, Madewell and J.Crew.

What, besides your wardrobe, completes your look? Stella by Stella McCartney perfume – I do not walk out the door without it.

What is in your bag/briefcase? My laptop, phone, a pen and notepad, buxom lip gloss and Lipstick Queen lipstick, extra nail polish, and headphones to sneak a workout when I can.

My closet is full of…staple pieces like blouses and button-downs in every color.

What is your style advice for other people in the industry? You do not have to sacrifice style just because you are going to work. You can still add your personality and a fashio-forward piece into your everyday look.

BCBG blazer; Blu Pepper blouse; Banana Republic jeans; Nine West shoes

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