
Multifamily Construction Picks Up Where it Left Off in 2015, Drives Market

It was the same old story in January, with multifamily construction leading the way. Another year, another setting for multifamily dominance in residential construction. That was the central lesson from the Census Bureau’s latest report, which found multifamily permits, starts

Fed Study: Student Debt Clearly Pushing Down Millennial Homeownership

A new study from the Federal Reserve brings more evidence to the table on the damaging economic effects of high student debt burdens We’re written in the past about the effects of student loan debt on the housing market

Are Certain Kinds of Mortgages Easier to Attain Than Others?

The last couple weeks, we’ve been analyzing exclusive numbers from the CoreLogic Housing Credit Index, a detailed look at mortgage availability. Our central question has been a simple one: is it any easier, nowadays, to attain a mortgage? And after

3 Promising Graphs on the Nation’s Mortgage Markets

It’s been a rollercoaster ride following the nation’s mortgage markets, so we decided to take a more long-term view at some of the key stats at play – and how, with only one exception, things have improved by quite

In Boston, Black Mortgage Applicants Denied Three Times the Rate of White Applicants

Minority groups have a harder time accessing mortgages in the U.S., including here in Boston. In the Boston metro area, 22.8 percent of African-Americans are denied in their applications for conventional mortgages, according to a new analysis from Zillow; that’s three times

Boston Begins 2015 with Modest, Realistic Price Gains

Boston did not set the world on fire with its rise in asking prices, but that’s perfectly fine Asking prices in Boston began 2015 on a sobering note, according to the Trulia Price Monitor. Prices were up 4.2 percent year-over-year in January,

Do the Seasons Really Make a Difference in Boston Real Estate? Not Really

One may think that warmer months are better for selling homes, but the data tells another story. What if we were to tell you that it really makes no difference when you list your client’s home, in terms of

Multifamily Construction Comprises Huge Share of Boston New Construction

We’ve covered multifamily ascendence before, but this is the most telling statistic of all. Earlier this week, we reported on two facets of new construction: first, that overall construction spending in Boston dropped in 2014; and second, that the nationwide growth

The 3 Important Characteristics of Today’s First-Time Homebuyers

What is the marital status of the typical first-time homebuyer? What are the demographics? And finally, how have those stats changed in recent years, and what does America’s ever-diversifying landscape suggest? To find out, see our infographic below, which

Are Lending Standards Looser For Refinancing Than For Purchasing?

Last week, we reported that lending standards have see-sawed up and down the spectrum the last few years, but does that trend change at all when we look at the separate lending standards for refinancing and purchasing loans? Once

Affordability Evaporates as New Construction Trends Towards Affluence

We reported last week that in 2014, the median sales price for a newly built single-family home set a new record, closing out the year at $283,600. That’s not only 5.5 percent above 2013, but also a whopping 28.3 percent

New Construction in Boston Took Several Steps Back in 2014

2014 was a lackluster year for new construction in Boston, according to the latest stats. Total residential construction spending in the Boston area was $3.539 billion in 2014, a 13 percent decrease from 2013, according to new numbers from Dodge Data

Strong Multifamily Sector Drives New Construction in 2014

Construction on the whole was positive in 2014, but that was mostly due to the surging multifamily sector. Private construction may have been up 4.5 percent in 2014, but it was the multifamily housing market that drove that activity,

How Boston Will See 50,795 New Homebuyers Enter the Market

Hundreds of thousands of potential homebuyers will be boomeranging back to the housing market over the next seven years. The Boston area is poised to see more than 50,000 potential homebuyers enter the housing market fray over the next seven

The Best Development in Housing? We Have It Right Here

Existing-home sales may have bounced back to life in Dec 2014 (and carried median sales price to its highest mark since 2007), but that was hardly the most encouraging piece of news in NAR’s latest housing report. No, that

The Top 3 Trends in Boston Housing in 2014

Boston’s housing market in 2014 failed to live up to 2013’s expectations; what were the defining trends, though, in that 2014 market? To find out, we took a more detailed look at GBAR’s numbers, and we collected our analysis

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