Current Market Data

What Homes Do Consumers Want to Buy? 5 Important Trends

There are many types of homes for sale on any given day, but what trends are consumers gravitating towards? Tall, short, skinny, fat, new, old, historic, modern, urban, rural – the possibilities are endless when it comes to the

3 Reasons Why Obama’s Plan for Net Neutrality Matters For Your Business

President Obama came out in support of net neutrality this week, and his proposals could be instrumental in protecting the Internet – and your business. Advocates for net neutrality received a huge vote of confidence this week from President

How Housing Affordability is Worsening in Boston

In case you were wondering, our housing market continues to get less affordable, not more. In the last year and a half, housing affordability in America has dramatically fallen, and our local metro is no exception. We recently reported that NAR’s Housing

The Jobs Report: 3 Good Things and 3 Bad Things for Housing

The messages for housing were mixed in the BLS’ new report on the jobs market. The Bureau of Labor Statistics released the October jobs report earlier today, and it’s a doozy, with a multitude of numbers on the nation’s

5 Important Homebuyer Trends That You Should Know

With our first story in our “NAR Profile” series, we take a look at important homebuyer trends of the last year. Every year, Christmas comes several weeks early for housing analysts in the form of NAR’s “Profile of Home

3 Very Surprising Graphs on How New Construction Has Shifted Towards Affluence


Boston Asking Prices Remain Positive in October

Though prices have shown signs of a slowdown at 2014 draws to a close, they’ve remained in positive territory. Though asking prices nationwide have shown some signs of a slowdown, they remained in confidently positive territory through October, according

Where Have All the First-Time Buyers Gone? 6 Explanations For the Decline

The market share for first-time homebuyers just keeps falling; what could be behind the fall? First-time homebuyers in 2014 have made up just 33 percent of primary residence purchases, according to new numbers out this week from the National

CoreLogic: Home Price Gains Slow, Particularly Luxury

Home prices continue climbing towards a healthy balance, but leave luxury properties behind. As has been the trend all year, home prices continued rising in September, according to a new report from CoreLogic. However, despite gains, the rapidity of

Sellers Ignore Market, Want More Money

Sellers are ignoring market realities for the hope of more money. In 2014, the real estate market has been an incubator, slowly coaxing the ailing industry back into full health. However, despite the considerable gains, especially to home prices

The Most Encouraging Stat Yet For Housing’s Recovery

There have been many encouraging developments for the housing market, but we’ve uncovered the most encouraging nugget yet. There were many stats provided in NAR’s latest existing-home sales report, many of which were positive for the housing market  (see

3 Important Graphs that Show Home Construction’s Recovery

When put in the proper context, residential construction has made considerable progress in recent years. The Census Bureau’s latest report on construction spending came out earlier today, and it represented what appeared to be more of the same –

Guaranteed Rate Paints Third Quarter Picture in New Report

A third quarter report released by mortgage company Guaranteed Rate shows rising home prices and a newfound confidence in mortgage financing. Late last week, national mortgage giant Guaranteed Rate released its third quarter mortgage trends snapshot, detailing the current

Cheaper to Own, But Most People Still Rent

Owning a home is getting cheaper, but people are still choosing to rent. Buying a home is affordable, despite it being the largest purchase of most people’s lives. Low mortgage rates are helping to make homeownership one of, if

The Great Divide in Homebuilding

Some measures of the U.S. home construction market suggest things have radically improved, but does the data support that? The Housing Market Index, the chief measure of homebuilder confidence for the single-family home construction marketplace, fell five points in

Massachusetts Foreclosure Inventory Down Double-Digits

New data from CoreLogic drives home just how much progress our housing markets have made in clearing out their foreclosure inventory The last 12 months have been highly encouraging ones for Massachusetts housing market, according to the latest Foreclosure Report

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