Current Market Data

3 Sobering Facts About Today’s Skittish Economy

We all know that the economy has improved in recent years, but we also know (and with similar levels of confidence) that there remain considerable hurdles for many Americans in today’s economy. Take a look through our informative graphic

Greater Boston’s Top Single-Family Housing Markets

Where, in the Greater Boston area, do single-family homes sell the most? Single-family homes were the dominate form of construction in the Greater Boston area in the post-War housing market, and many remain economic juggernauts to this day. What

Why Soaring Inequality is Terrible For Housing

Everyone should be concerned about rising levels of inequality – especially residential real estate professionals. The Brookings Institution just updated its data metrics on inequality in the U.S.’ largest metro areas, and the results are – to put it

5 Important Details About the Latest New Home Sales Report

Sure, new home sales were up in February, but there’s much more than meets the eye. On the surface, it looks like February was a very positive month for sales of newly built single-family homes. According to the latest

NAR: Existing-Home Sales Increase, Inventory Levels Pose Problem

NAR’s report found existing-home sales improved in February, but those gains were offset by skyrocketing home prices. Existing-home sales increased modestly in February, a report from the National Association of Realtors discovered, but shallow inventories across the country are

Lion Share of New Construction in Boston Affordable Only For Affluent Consumers

The single-family home market for new construction has trended towards affluence, and so has the rental market. The last couple months, we’ve been reporting with regularity on how our nation’s issues with inequality have manifested themselves in new construction,

Negative Equity Remains Problem in Boston’s Lower Price Points

Sure, negative equity has improved overall, but what of properties on the lower-end of price spectrum? Though 9.8 percent of mortgage properties in the Boston area remain in negative equity, that pales in comparison to the 16.7 percent of properties in the metro

The Big Problem Facing Boston’s Housing Market

The key word in addressing Boston’s housing ills is “imbalance.” Call it a problem of “too much of a good thing.” It’s no mystery that Boston is in the throes of an all-out affordability crisis, one that has the

CoreLogic: Equity Returns to Boston, Beats Nation

Homeowners are benefiting from rising home prices that improve equity, but that doesn’t mean negative equity still isn’t a problem. Equity continued building in the fourth quarter of 2014, CoreLogic’s newest report concluded, showing that by year’s end, 1.2

Builder Confidence Hits Eight-Month Low in March

Homebuilders are feeling a little less confident this month. A key measure of builder confidence declined this month, with the Housing Market Index (HMI) dropping two points to a level of 53. Released monthly by the NAHB, the HMI tracks

New Construction in February Plunges on Weak Multifamily Activity

The latest construction report looks bad, but as usual, there’s more than meets the eye. The numbers do not warm the heart – last month, housing starts were down 17 percent from January and 3.3 percent from Feb. 2014,

The Millennial Mind: Frugal, Inquisitive and Ready to Buy

Ninety-two million Millennials represent the largest living generation and the future of homebuying. Millennials, while not the most active buyers and sellers, are real estate’s most important demographic, and for one reason in particular: there are so many of them.

Consumers Demand More From Lenders

TD Bank survey shows what clients want: more information. In the wake of the rebuilding year of 2014, the market, while still in recovery, has been cast in a distinctly more appealing light, as consumers are once again eager

Homeownership Rate Fell to 20-Year Low in 2014, Worse For Younger Americans

Everyone has seen the various reports that the U.S. homeownership rate has fallen in recent years, but how much as it really declined? To find out, we took a deep dive into the Census Bureau’s data on the matter,

Why Housing Affordability is More Complicated Than You Think

You may think you understand housing affordability, but chances are you’re relying on limited measurements. How affordable is Boston’s housing market? The answer to that question is more complicated than meets the eye, and it suggests some very interesting things

Massachusetts Cash Sales Near Pre-Crisis Levels 

A new report from CoreLogic highlights improvements to the nation’s share of all cash sales. Unfortunately, it’s still high. It’s a new housing market in 2015. Policies are shifting, new legislation is being written, and in an eddying whirl

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