Agent Snapshot: Thom Schoepfer, Broker Associate, William Raveis

Screen Shot 2016-08-29 at 12.05.16 PMWhat was your first job in the realty industry? My first paid real estate job was managing “Historic Properties,” 50 buildings and overseeing rehab, commercial and residential tenancy, as well as landmarking. After that, I did bank work management with a subsidiary of Recoll Management.

Where did you grow up? My parents had homes in New York and Connecticut, with summers here in Chatham and New Orleans.

Growing up, what did you want to be? As a youth, I wanted to be an anthropologist or go into psychology like my sister. Later, I wanted to be an artist/cartoonist like my maternal grandfather.

What do you do to relax when you’re stressed? Work on my historic properties and their gardens. I also enjoy comfort food, watching PBS, walking my dog at my Truro oceanside cottage and visiting museums and galleries.

If you could have lunch with a well-known figure (living or not), who would it be and why? Perhaps Einstein or Oscar Wilde, or The Dalai Lama to learn more of the wisdom of following a unique path in life playing to our individual talents. I had lunched with and befriended many well known artists, musicians and writers in NYC as a young man.

Where is your favorite place to hang out? Cape Cod National Seashore Park. I also enjoy being a foodie and discovering local restaurants with friends and clients. (PB Boulangerie Wellfleet, Brewster Fish House, Cafe Alfresco, Fanizzis and The Mews in P-town are a few of my favorites.)

What do you love most about the industry? I love the daily variety, as no two days are the same, and the constant challenges. I enjoy the support and sharing of ideas with my fellow Realtors locally, regionally and nationally.

How do you distinguish yourself from the crowd of agents? Volunteering with professional, charitable and civic groups. I have enjoyed many years serving at CC, IAOR and MAR. in many capacities. I’m told that my ads stand out from the crowd.

What is the most difficult aspect of your job? 1) Fellow agents: We accept our clients as they are, but deliberate confrontation with fellow Realtors is exhausting. I was taught in the “win-win” school of negotiation.
2) I have finally become secure enough in my profession not to need to prove that I can work with the most difficult personalities. That was very freeing. I’m feeling too old for crazy.

Where do you go to network and meet new clients? Art events, charity fundraisers, giving tourists or renters directions or local recommendations. I have taught the Realtor segment of local first-time buyer classes. I have networked with leading MA Realtors at MAR classes, events and meetings, and gained numerous referrals through friendships.

What has been your greatest accomplishment? 1) As a Realtor: receiving The Charles F. Lockhart Distinguished Service Award from my fellow Cape Cod & Islands Realtors, as well as the Board of Directors outstanding service award

2) Personally: Landmarking and restoring dozens of homes for our communities and for future generations.

What was the last good movie you saw or book you read? The New York Times best seller “Empty Mansions” was a fabulous, eccentric true story and very much my sort of thing. Also a more serious work: “My Grandfather’s Gallery” by Anne Sinclair, which is about World War Two and Nazi art heists and repatriation.

What is your favorite restaurant? The Brewster Fish House

Architecturally speaking, what is your favorite building in Boston? I’m mad about architecture. It has to be The State House and Beacon Hill. Our own Bullfinch masterpiece. But in a city full of great design, even the harsh “Brutalism” of City Hall can be appreciated in its own light.

What kind of car do you drive? I traded the Mercedes E-class for a “Cape Cod Cadillac” (a Jeep Wrangler) and I’m happy to have done so.

Smartphone or paper? Paper and sticky notes

What is your favorite city after Boston?

Currently: I’m obsessed with Merida, Mexico because of the culture and Mayan people

Always: New Orleans. I love the food, music, people and architecture.

Past: Hudson, NY

In 10 words or less, what is your advice for someone new to the industry? Take time to learn your craft and profession. Listen more than you speak.

What’s your favorite real estate iPhone/Android app? The Compass

Who are your favorite people to follow on Twitter? I hate Twitter, but tolerate Facebook.

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