News / Features

More than Half of U.S. Adults Cannot Afford Their House

A new survey from the MacArthur Foundation is generating substantial waves, and for good reason – its findings are quite surprising. #83590515 / Here’s a stat you wouldn’t expect to see: in the past three years, 52 percent

Why We Might Be Saying Good-bye to Fannie and Freddie

The U.S. Senate has taken a step towards reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, only it might be in the wrong direction. #479290095 / Go back five or six years and you’d be hard pressed to find a news

Redfin Report: What Has Many Homes Selling Faster

Despite depleted inventories, a new Redfin reports finds home tours, offers and overall demand are still holding strong. #172155167 / Home tours and offers have historically responded to the ebbs and flow of available inventory – an almost

The 3 Reasons that Housing May Not Be as Affordable as it Looks

We’re often told about how affordable housing is, but there is a world inside of the world of housing affordability. #475106427 / Housing, we often read, is currently in a promised land of affordability. Though not quite the ideal

The Real Reason Construction Activity is Up

Construction numbers have been up in 2014, but there’s a very specific reason behind the increased activity. #138626281 / Overall construction spending in the U.S. economy rose 0.2 percent from March to April and 8.6 percent from April

The Inconvenient Truth About Housing – in Two Charts

The most recent existing-home sales report indicated that housing may have turned a corner, but structural issues persist. #142483561 / Covering the housing market nowadays is a strange experience. On one hand, you have the clear monthly reports

Special Report: Average Mortgage Rates For the 30-Year FRM


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