Current Market Data

How Homebuyers Find their Homes – a Radical Change

The manner in which prospective homebuyers locate their new residences has changed quite a bit in just 10 years time. The year was 2004, and real estate agents and yard signs were the prevailing method for consumers to find

New Mortgage Rules to Be Finalized Oct. 22

Three years later, the government is finally set to reveal its new requirements for mortgages, and much has changed in the interim. The government is set to finalize the final piece of its post-bubble mortgage regulations on Oct. 22,

Owning in Boston Considerably More Affordable than Renting

When conditions are right, owning in our area is much more affordable than renting. Homeownership in the Boston area remains 30 percent more affordable than renting through 2014’s third quarter, according to a new analysis by Trulia; that’s slightly above

Cash Sales Report Shows More Investors Leaving

Cash sales are down, which means good things for hopeful buyers needing mortgage financing. Earlier this week, CoreLogic released its July cash sales report, finding that investors are continuing to flee the market, paving the way for buyers more

Number of Women-Owned Real Estate Firms Soars

Women have always played an important role in real estate, and new numbers show their prominence has only grown. The number of women-owned firms in real estate has grown by 41.4 percent in the last 12 years according to

Distressed Home Sales Fall Dramatically in Massachusetts in 2014

The nation’s distressed housing market has improved quite a bit in the last year, and that progress is also clear here in Massachusetts. Distressed home sales in the U.S. have fallen from 17 percent of all existing-home sales to just

The Two Most Important Developments for Housing’s Growth

There are many important factors influencing housing today, but recent analysis suggests two will have an outsized effect on the industry. The future is good for housing. That was the conclusion of a recent analysis by Goldman Sachs, which

Walsh Addresses Affordable Housing Shortage with ‘Boston 2030’ Plan

Affordable housing has been missing in action lately, and the Mayor Walsh is trying to find it. Middle class housing in the post-bubble housing market has become increasingly rare in the city of Boston, but new plans for the city

The Secret to Housing’s Future – a New Kind of 15-Year Mortgage?

We often hear about how the nation’s mortgage markets need reform, but the solution could come from the most unexpected source. One of the most common refrains in the post-bubble housing market has involved lending standards, and that if

The Shadow Inventory: What You Need to Know

Though the elusive shadow inventory has dwindled, forthcoming changes to mortgage debt relief could lead to a swell in foreclosures over the next year. Trudging through the sludge of economic debris left over from the cataclysmic crisis that sent the U.S.

4 Important Facts About Hispanic Homebuyers in America

All research points to Hispanic consumers having an outsized effect on the U.S. housing market in the coming years. Hispanics are the fast-growing group of homebuyers in America, and they will hold significant sway over where our housing market

Strong Condo Market Drives Home Prices in Boston

Asking prices once again showed positive movement in September, according to new stats from Trulia. A strong condo market propelled Boston’s housing market to another month of positive asking-price increases in September, according to the latest Price Monitor by Trulia.

Millennials Looking Up: A Positive Outlook on the Future of Homebuying

Research from Zillow finds millennial values toward homeownership may be more traditional than older generations. It’s no secret that as more millennials reach homebuying age they’re opting to remain renters in lieu of entering the market. However, despite what many

CoreLogic: Home Price Gains Slow And It’s a Good Thing

While home prices continued increasing in August, their pace slowed. Here’s why it’s a good thing… While 2013 was a year of continued turmoil for the nation’s housing market, this year is proving to be the industry’s growing period,

CoreLogic: Foreclosure Rates Continue to Fall

CoreLogic report outlines the country’s foreclosure progress, and it looks promising. The national foreclosure inventory continues to dwindle. However, we’re more than five years removed and rates remain well above normal, pre-crisis levels, according CoreLogic’s most recent foreclosure report.

4 Reasons Builders are Building Bigger

Americans everywhere are tightening their belts, but still our houses are getting bigger. Why? Considering the realities of today’s housing market – that the empty nester population is growing and environmental sustainability is more and more dictating the direction

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