Today’s Top News: Rocket to acquire Redfin


My Style: Scott Farrell, managing partner, Atlas Properties, Boston

by Emily Johnson, Taylor Johnson Public Rrelations

Number of years in real estate: Six years

Describe your look: A dad with two young kids still trying to be metrosexual

What do you consider a “fashion don’t”? Gym socks and dress shoes

What is your favorite piece of clothing and why? Blazers – for me, it gives me a sense of professionalism and confidence while still showing my personal style.

What do you consider a must-have accessory? My iPhone

Where are your favorite places to shop? For shoes, it’s got to be the The Tannery. For suits I like Hugo Boss at Lord & Taylor.

What, besides your wardrobe, completes your look? Weird answer: my hair…

What is in your bag/brief case? I only carry a small leather notebook, as I believe it’s good to always write things down in our industry, since a lot comes at us all the time.

My closet is full of… Suits and V-neck cashmere sweaters

What is your style advice for other people in the industry? Dress like the broker/ agent you want to be, not the agent you are.

Hugo Boss Blazer, Brooks Brothers shirt and pocket square, Gap jeans, and Prada loafers from The Tannery

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