Today’s Top News: Rocket to acquire Redfin

Current Market Data

Cash sales best since 2008

In 2015, cash sales made up 33.9 percent of all residential real estate transactions, according to a new report from CoreLogic. That’s the lowest level since 2008. About midway through 2007, when the crash was becoming too apparent to

New NAREB initiative to boost African American homeownership

NAREB seeks to address barriers on both the borrowing and lending side of homeownership The National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) plans to launch a nationwide wealth building and  homeownership initiative focused on African Americans. The initiative has a goal

Why Millennials may leave the city after all

Cities may see less Millennials moving in going forward, thanks to shifting demographic trends as the generation grows older, according to a new CityLab report. The report, which covered a talk by USC urban planning professor Dowell Myers, argued

The 5 things you need to know about Boston’s crazy market

How is the 2016 housing market taking shape in Boston? The Greater Boston housing market is a place of very positive highs and very negative lows, a varied arena that simultaneously accommodates every point on the housing spectrum. That

Why more Baby Boomers are choosing renting over buying

In mid January, a small cadre of consultants from research group John Burns Real Estate Consulting attended the National Multifamily Housing Conference, looking for evidence of future trends in housing. They found one, and it involves the possible decline of

Why Boston is the Nation’s Hottest Millennial Market

Greater Boston has the best Millennial housing market in the country, according to a new analysis from LendingTree. Per LendingTree’s numbers, 52.46 percent of purchase requests in Greater Boston come from Millennials, with the average age of the buyers being 28 years; that market

Hispanics will Drive Housing’s Future. Here’s Why

New research reaffirms how important Hispanic consumers are for the future of housing in America The numbers speak for themselves: in 2015, the number of Hispanic-owner households saw a net increase of 245,000, accounting for 69 percent of the total

3 Shocking Facts on Inequality in Boston – and How it Harms Housing

Just how unaffordable is Boston for average city residents? Boston’s affordability issues have been well documented, but a new analysis by the Boston Redevelopment Authority has raised awareness on just how unaffordable Boston truly is. We’ve taken a look at the

Are Boston “Bargains” Really Bargains?

Homebuyers are shoppers like any other, which means that certain words appeal to them more than others: “deal,” “affordable” …and “bargain.” But not every sale is a deal; not every home is affordable; and according to a report from

Why Foreign Buyers are Losing Their Love for American Real Estate

A strong dollar and rising home prices leave foreign investors cold on buying in the U.S. The post-boom U.S. housing market has benefitted immensely from foreign consumer demand. According to the National Association of Realtors, foreign homebuyers accounted for 209,000

7 Surprising Ways Homebuyers’ Generation Affects Their Purchase

New, or used? Detached, or townhome? Environmentally friendly? Close to work? Near shopping centers and entertainment venues? The number of options available to homebuyers in our real estate market is limitless, and NAR’s latest Home Buyer and Seller Generational

TRID Gets More Blame – Is It Deserved?

The debate over TRID’s true impact on mortgage markets is ongoing, but according to a new survey from the American Bankers Association, lenders are still grappling with longer processing times and delays in mortgage closings, which many are attributing

On Target – Why Homes Near This Big-Box Store are More Valuable

Home value sees noticeable changes near stores of certain persuasions Homeowners living near a Target have experienced better home value appreciation since their purchase than homeowners near a Walmart, but also pay higher property taxes, according to a RealtyTrac

The 5 Big Reasons that Consumers Buy Homes

Why do consumers buy homes, nowadays? There are many reasons that someone may want to purchase a home, but among America’s homebuying public, which reasons are the most common? According to the new Home Buyer and Seller Generational Trends

What Modern Homes Say About Modern Homebuyers

Modern homes favor efficiency and space Just as the average American homebuyer has changed over the years, so too has the average American home. According to a new analysis from the National Association of Realtors, new homes are characterized

Boston Homeowners Enjoy Slow but Steady Gains in Equity

Homeowner equity made big year-over-year gains in the fourth quarter of 2015, according to a new analysis from CoreLogic, which found borrower equity increased by $682 billion, or 11.5 percent – to put it into perspective, that’s more than

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