Current Market Data

5 remarkable aspects of the Greater Boston housing market

The Greater Boston Association of Realtors (GBAR) released its September numbers for the Beantown housing market this morning, and as usual, the association’s analysis revealed many eye-catching details about the marketplace. Below, we have spotlighted five of the most

Boston home prices remain positive in new Case-Shiller

Boston home prices continued their positive momentum through the summer, according to the new Case-Shiller Home Price Indices from Standard & Poor’s. Per S&P’s analysis, prices in the area were up 0.3 percent from July to August, and up 4.1

Study: Boston a top 10 market for building wealth

Boston residents average over $5,100 in savable income, helping make it one of the best cities in the country for building wealth, an analysis from Bankrate found. In its analysis, Bankrate weighed a variety of local indicators, including: average income and

In Boston, the math is simple – buying beats renting by a wide margin

The “buying versus renting” debate is one of the quintessential rumbles in American business circles, but a new Trulia study has made it clear – here in Greater Boston, buying beats renting by a wide margin. For its analysis,

5 ways housing has transformed over the last 35 years

This year marks 35 years of the National Association of Realtors’ Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, and to commemorate the latest survey’s Oct. 31 release, NAR spotlighted five integral ways that housing has changed in those 35 years. Here are

5 surprising facts about the 2016 homebuyer

With the billing of “the largest and most comprehensive survey of real estate consumers ever conducted,” Zillow’s 2016 Consumer Housing Trends Report arrived this week with considerable build-up, and indeed, the report does feature many interesting looks at the

The 10 most in-demand school districts in Norfolk County

Last week, we reported on the Middlesex County school districts that commanded the highest home prices, and now we’re back with a similar analysis for Norfolk County. Utilizing data from, our chart below compares the median home price in Norfolk’s school

The 4 demographic trends that will transform housing in America

America’s demographics are transforming, and it will have huge implications on future real estate markets, said a new joint report from the Urban Land Institute and Terwilliger Center for Housing. The four biggest changes, analysts agreed, will take place

Real estate in 2025: 4 things to expect from the market of the future

The real estate market is subject to change, and over the next 10 years, it’s going to do just that – or at least that’s the conclusion of a joint report from the Urban Land Institute and Terwilliger Center for

Study: Wellesley the most expensive housing market in Massachusetts

Wellesley is the most expensive housing market in Massachusetts, according to the annual Home Listing Report from Coldwell Banker. With the average price of a four-bedroom, two-bath single-family home going to $1,294,684, Wellesley came out on top in the

The 10 most in-demand school districts in Middlesex County

Middlesex County features some of the top school districts in the country, but which of those districts have the most in-demand housing markets? A new analysis from provides a unique answer to that question. Comparing the median price of

Real estate to play a big role in U.S. investors’ 2017 strategy

Better Homes and Real Gardens Real Estate surveyed 1,000 U.S. investors and found that 89 percent are interested in investing in real estate as part of their investment strategy.  The survey also revealed that 80 percent of investors believe

How do consumers view housing? 7 facts agents should consider

Fannie Mae’s National Housing Survey is among the more detailed inquiries into how everyday consumers view the U.S.’ housing market, and the Home Purchase Sentiment Index (HPSI) portion of the survey – which details how Americans view the buying

The 10 Boston housing markets with the greatest price increases

The median sales price for Massachusetts homes was nearly $370,000 in August, the highest since Aug. 2005, according to new Warren Group data cited by In addition, the Warren Group broke down the local housing markets that have

Boston homebuyers face largest student debt burden in U.S.

No city is more affected by the problems of student debt than Boston, according to a new LendingTree analysis. Based on data from My LendingTree, Beantown has the highest average student debt burden in the country at $43,102.16. Our chart

Appraisals remain a problem for thousands of real estate agents

Back in 2012, appraisals were a hot item. Thanks to a myriad of factors – chief among them inexperienced appraisers and dramatic changes to how the industry was organized – low appraisals were the cause of numerous contract failures

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