WalletHub Ranked the Best Cities for Agents. How Did Boston Do?



A new study from WalletHub has ranked Boston as one of 2016’s best cities for real estate agents, with Beantown ranking No. 10 of 150 metro areas.

WalletHub’s study considered a number of factors, including: sales per agent; annual median wage for agents; unemployment rate; home turnover rate; days on market; and building permit activity. Then, it combined those factors into two metrics – “Job Opportunity & Competition” and “Real Estate Market Heat” – and ranked metro areas in each category, with the areas’ ultimate placing coming from a weighting of those rankings; for the jobs metric, Boston came in at No. 6, while for the market heat metric, it placed at No. 42.

Here is the full top 10 ranking:

City Total Score “Job Opportunity & Competition” Rank “Real Estate Market Heat” Rank
Denver 57.7 3 6
Irvine 55.38 4 7
Seattle 54.24 39 3
Austin 53.8 43 2
Aurora, CO 52.56 14 14
Portland 52.49 21 8
Indianapolis 52.42 1 150
San Francisco 51.68 8 25
Colorado Springs 50.83 10 30
Boston 49.82 6 42

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