William Vaquerano & Veronica Lujan Realtors, eXp Realty, Lynnfield


What was your most interesting job before going into real estate? We are a husband and wife team so we have 2 answers. 

Will: Area sales for Sprint Wireless where I trained third party stores like Apple, Best Buy, etc… on how to sell Sprint. 

Vero: Industrial designer background. Designing kids shoes for large retailer stores and seeing my shoes display on the store front

Where did you grow up?  Will: Chelsea,  MA, Vero: Medellin, Colombia

Growing up, what did you want to be?

Will: A basketball player of course! Isn’t that every young boy’s dream? Famous sports player.

Vero: I always wanted to be a Vet. I had a strong inclination toward animals. Now I get to have pets myself, donate and volunteer to help shelters.

What do you do to relax when you’re stressed? Will: Breath, meditate, Vero: Breathe, exercise

If you could meet any well-known figure (living or not), who would it be and why?

Will: This is a tough one: My grandfather on my father’s side. He died when I was young. He owns a very large piece of land in El Salvador. He also owned and operated a pretty successful agriculture business with very little to no education. I’d like to ask him about the experience and his drive. 

Vero:  I would like to meet Tony Robbins and have a sit down conversation with him.

What is Boston’s best-kept secret? Will: All the amazing Latino restaurants from Pupusas to Arepas. Vero: El Penol in East Boston

What do you love most about the industry? Will: The many ways you can generate income. Vero: It could be a lot of fun if you are surrounded by the right people.

How do you distinguish yourself from the crowd of agents? Will: Consistency. Consistency will beat talent every time. Vero: I’m always hungry for more learning. I am always pushing myself to be better in every area of my life from being a mom to a mentor to the new wave of agents coming into the industry.

What is the most difficult aspect of your job?

Will: The balance. Real estate can chew up all your time if you let it and then spit you out. It could ruin your relationships because it’s on 24/7. You have to learn to control your time and have a healthy balance on when to turn it on/off. 

Vero: Not having boundaries about your time. It could really take over your entire time and family time. Time blocking is extremely important in the industry.

What’s your best advice for generating new leads?

Will: Start with your sphere of influence. Build a great foundation from it then build off of that (cold calling, door knocking, etc…). If you don’t have a sphere, join local networks, gyms, clubs, etc.. create and attract your tribe!

Vero: The ABC’s of Real estate. Always be closing… We help people buy and sell and this is something every person needs so why not talk about it when meeting people.

What has been your greatest accomplishment?

Will: Going sober for three-plus. I’m not saying everyone should stop drinking but for me alcohol has been such a huge part of my life for so many years and not in a great way. I always said, what I didn’t drink on the weekdays, I made up for it on the weekends. Now, I get to wake up early, no headaches, save money, have healthier lifestyle and relationships and be a better role model to my kids.

Vero: To be financially strong. I came from Colombia when I was 17. Growing up there we were told that having a good job and being financially free was never possible in my family. Now as an adult and being able to provide for my parents, own several investment properties and have positive cashflow coming in every month is pretty amazing.

What are you binge-watching/reading/listening to lately? Will & Vero: “Suits” on Netflix. Sometimes I feel like we are like lawyers.

What’s your favorite meal in Boston? Will: Pupusas, Vero: Mexican and Colombian food.

Architecturally speaking, what is your favorite building in Boston? Vero: The State house

What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you on the job?

Will: Met my wife Veronica at an open house seven years ago. I listed a house on the same street as hers. After my open house ended, I walked over to hers since it’s not something that happens everyday, another home being listed on the same street. I walked in and I saw her. The rest is history! 

Vero: I have to say meeting Will on the job.

What’s one thing people are surprised to learn about you?

Will: I’m El Salvadorean. Most people think I’m everything but. 

Vero: That I don’t drink alcohol.

What is your favorite vacation spot and why?

Will: Colombia. Veronica is Colombian and she has her whole family living there. When she gets to see them it’s something special but also the people, the food and all the adventurous things we like all while surrounded by greenery and or mountains … It’s beautiful!

Vero: Colombia has a very special place in my heart and is home for me but I really loved the Azores in Portugal, such a beautiful place on earth.

In 10 words or less, what is your advice for someone new to the industry?

Will: Find a mentor and copy/paste. Vero: Time block your day/week

What’s your favorite real estate iPhone/Android app? Will: BoxBrownie, Vero: Canva

Who are your favorite people to follow on social media? Will: Property Brothers. Hilarious, Vero: Tina Caul/GOGO

What are your social media handles?

Will: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/williamvaqueranorealtor, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/soldwithwill

Vero: Instagram @Verolujanrealtor, Facebook Vero Lujan

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