Sean Goudreau, Senior Loan Officer

Guaranteed Rate


A self-described lifelong learner, Sean Goudreau sees every challenge as an opportunity to grow. “I am always learning and picking up new information that I can use in certain situations,” he says. In his continual quest to improve and optimize, he’s also a voracious reader, constantly adding to his repertoire of skills and expertise.

Goudreau has been in the real estate business for 14 years not only as a loan officer, but also as a renter, homeowner and landlord, which allows him to better understand the many challenges his customers face. For him, every situation he encounters is another opportunity to learn and grow.

When working with clients — especially first-time borrowers — Goudreau understands that it can be an overwhelming process. He helps them distinguish facts from fiction and understands what it takes to get a mortgage. “They have access to a ton of information and will get advice from friends and family,” he remarks. “Not all of this will be accurate, up to date or even helpful. I talk about what is important, what to consider, and give them the information they need to make educated decisions.”

His transparent, no-nonsense approach has helped Goudreau earn the respect and appreciation of his clients and industry peers. He’s also earned many awards along the way, including being named to the Guaranteed Rate President’s Club eight years running and as the Association of Independent Mortgage Brokers’ Young Gun of the Year in 2019.

Goudreau, who seems to always have an upbeat and positive attitude, relieves stress by swimming, running and rucking (covering a set distance while carrying weight in a backpack). He’s also a longtime member and president-elect of the Beverly Rotary Club.

Guaranteed Rate, Inc. is a private corporation organized under the laws of the state of Delaware. It has no affiliation with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the U.S. Department of Agriculture or any other government agency.

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