Current Market Data

A guide to the 2017 buyer: Millennials

At the turn of every new year, a question that always picks at any real estate professional’s mind is,”What does this year’s buyer look like?” The question is particularly important in 2017 because we’re starting it off by inaugurating

Greater Boston’s top-selling condo markets, Nov. 2016

Our chart below features the top-selling condo markets in Greater Boston in November, according to research from GBAR. Additionally, we have included stats on median sales price, and how the markets have changed over the last year. Area Nov. Condo Sales Percent Change from

Greater Boston’s top-selling housing markets, Nov. 2016

Where in the Greater Boston housing market were sales the strongest in November? Using the latest GBAR stats, we put together the following chart, which also shows how sales have risen (or fallen) in those markets year-over-year: Area November

5 incredible ways homeownership has changed during the housing recovery

When the U.S. housing bubble peaked in 2004 and 2005, the market seemed to be in grand shape: the homeownership rate was 69 percent; the Case-Shiller National Home Price Index was 184.4, a 135.5 percent increase from 1994; and

GBAR: Greater Boston home sales skyrocket in November

Home sales in the Greater Boston housing market roared back to life in November, according to the latest report from Atlanta Realtors. After a disappointing October, Greater Boston saw 1,176 single-family sales and 831 condo sales, which are up

8 reasons President Obama was housing’s champion

President Obama’s legacy will take shape over the coming years, but one thing is clear – he will be remembered as a champion of homeowners, a fact his record bears out. Here are a few of his most notable achievements, as they

Boston is a top 10 market for immigration – that is great for housing

There are more than 44 million immigrants living in the U.S. They account for about 13.6 percent of the total population, and together represent billions in annual real estate transactions – and Boston is one of the eight best cities

The secret reason behind housing’s inventory shortage

When it comes to the housing market’s ever-worsening inventory situation, one factor receives an outsized share of the blame – the historically low levels of home construction. Although the explanations for construction’s low volume differ – NAR has consistently argued that builders

5 striking predictions on where housing is heading in 2017

Nearing the end of another year, speculation is now hitting its greatest height for how the next chapter in the housing recovery will take shape. Countless “experts” have offered cursory, drive-by analyses of where the market is heading, but there

Study: Greater Boston starter homes becoming more difficult to attain

Not only are starter homes in Greater Boston relatively unaffordable, but they are slipping further out of reach for many consumers. That was the finding of a very interesting new study from Trulia, which assessed the status of starter homes

How a slight rise in Boston home prices damages affordability

Affordability is a chief concern in the Boston real estate market, as it is in many markets. But even though it’s a popular talking point for industry insiders, few understand the true volatility of “affordable.” To some families, the line

Trump’s immigration policies may dramatically increase foreclosures

There are about 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S., eight million of whom are a part of the country’s labor force. Although it’s hard to say where President-elect Donald Trump actually stands on undocumented workers – he has promised to deport all of

Do not worry – rising mortgage rates are not the end of the world

The news sounds bad: mortgage rates have risen aggressively since the presidential election, and are now at their highest level since July 2015; for the first week in December, rates posted the largest weekly jump since 2013; and the Federal

Real estate leaders show concern for the 2017 market

We are only a few weeks away from the New Year, and a little over a month away from a new president, but the future of the economy, and housing specifically, has never been more uncertain. At least those

3 signs of how Millennial homeownership has fallen in Greater Boston

It’s no mystery that Millennials face unique challenges on the homeownership front. From slow wage growth to soaring student debt burdens, economic forces have kept Millennials on the housing sidelines, and a huge share still live at home with their parents. Those details are well known,

5 things agents should anticipate in the 2017 market

The New Year is nearly upon us, and a number of housing analysts and firms are prepping their end-of-the-year reports. Trulia’s report has, historically, been among the more interesting of that batch, and the website’s 2017 Housing Outlook, which

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