Current Market Data

New Home Sizes in the U.S. Just Keep Growing and Growing and Growing

It’s no mystery that newly built single-family homes are pretty big nowadays, but the latest data still surprises. #173750263 / The last couple of years, we’ve been steadily tracking the return of large new construction homes, but even we

NAR Report: Market Improving After “Lackluster” First-Quarter

New report finds national existing-home sales increasing for the second consecutive month. #183008215 / Carrying the momentum picked up in April, national existing-home sales continued rising strongly in May, according to a report from the National Association of

5 Eye-Opening Stats on How Referrals Truly Work

We all think we have a handle on how real estate referrals function, but the following stats are still eye popping. #151910629 / Everyone and their uncle knows that referrals for the bedrock of any flourishing real estate

Low Downpayments are Much More Common Than You Think

We’re conditioned to think that downpayments lower than 20 percent are in scant supply, but the data doesn’t bare that out. #96161922 / It’s the peanut butter and jelly of today’s mortgage markets – not only do lending

Builder Confidence Regains its Footing in June

After a few months of fluctuations, it appears builder confidence has regained its, well, confidence! #103724088 / Builder confidence for the single-family new construction home marketplace rose four points in June to reach a level of 49, according

The 7 Important Things to Know about Residential Construction

The Census Bureau’s new data on residential construction is out, but as always, we’re here to report on what lies between the lines. #482869355 / Housing starts in the month of May reached a seasonally adjusted annual rate

NAR Report: What Do Job Growth and Construction Have in Common

A new report finds that construction is failing to meet the explosive level of job growth in many areas throughout the country; though, what that means is up for debate. #102853195 / Earlier this month, the Department of

How Damaging, Really, Was 2013’s Mortgage Rate Increase?

Everyone knows that mortgage rates increased in a sudden, dramatic fashion in 2013, but how did that increase end up impacting housing? #98476417 / It was the most dramatic story to hit housing since the downturn: on May

The 3 Things that Could Hold Housing Back in 2014

The housing market has made considerable strides in the last few years, but what could hold it back from a true recovery? #173807241 / There are many uncertainties in this world, but here’s something we can be fairly

Regulators Close to Chucking 20% Downpayment Requirement

The 20 percent downpayment in the Dodd-Frank bill proved quite controversial, but it’s looking like it will not become a reality. #112781338 / A newly announced compromise between the SEC and federal regulators will likely result in the

The Serious Delinquency Roller Coaster Ride

We keep hearing that the nation’s serious delinquency rate has fallen, but what does its overall trajectory look like? #a0071-000153 / The other week, news broke that the nation’s serious delinquency rate, as measured by Fannie Mae, fell

The 3 Things You Should Know About Student Loan Debt

Student debt is back in the news this week; as real estate agents, what details should you know? #107831987 / Thanks to President Obama, the student debt crisis is back in the news, and once again, the numbers

Shocking Number of Americans Think We’re Still in a Housing Crisis

The numbers may be telling us that the housing crisis is a thing of the past, but don’t say that to a shockingly high percentage of consumers. #109350597 / You’d think it was a fabricated stat – 70

More than Half of U.S. Adults Cannot Afford Their House

A new survey from the MacArthur Foundation is generating substantial waves, and for good reason – its findings are quite surprising. #83590515 / Here’s a stat you wouldn’t expect to see: in the past three years, 52 percent

Why We Might Be Saying Good-bye to Fannie and Freddie

The U.S. Senate has taken a step towards reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, only it might be in the wrong direction. #479290095 / Go back five or six years and you’d be hard pressed to find a news

Redfin Report: What Has Many Homes Selling Faster

Despite depleted inventories, a new Redfin reports finds home tours, offers and overall demand are still holding strong. #172155167 / Home tours and offers have historically responded to the ebbs and flow of available inventory – an almost

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