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Building with room to spare – a growing trend


new-construction-labor-compliance-costs-real-estate-agent-builder-constructionNewly built homes are being made with extra space in mind.

A report from The New York Times found that there is an inverse correlation between the amount of people living in the home verses how much room they build for.

The Times’ data came from the Census Bureau’s annual survey of American housing. From this data, one can observe that one third of newly built homes are 3,000 square feet and the average home size is nearly 2,700 square feet; the highest average in at least 30 years.

These single-family homes are commonly being built in suburban settings, where land is more abundant, and therefore the building can be more spread out. Newly constructed houses also tend to run more expensive than pre-owned homes, so wealthier people are dominating the new-construction market.

New homes are being built to satisfy the demand for more bedrooms and bathrooms despite family sizes shrinking to an average of 2.58 people; forty-seven percent of new homes are built with four or more bedrooms.

The justification behind the extra space could be different for each family. Some keep in mind the option of having guests over or even their adult child moving back in.

Whatever the reason, the National Association of Home Builders say that Americans simply want more space.

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