National News

Why two-thirds of real estate investors will spend more in 2016

In a new report on its 2016 Real Estate Outlook survey, KPMG found that many real estate investors are still confident in the market’s ability to produce returns, though some have found reason to temper that optimism with caution. On

5 reasons why 2016 is the “Best year for housing in a decade”

Forget what you thought you knew about the housing market – according to Freddie Mac, 2016’s housing market will see a return to pre-crisis levels. In the year following the recovery surge of 2014, the market slowed – a result

The one thing your buyers won’t compromise on

Schools are an integral part of the search process for many a homebuyer, and new research from the National Association of Realtors has reinforced just how non-negotiable the issue is. According to NAR’s 2016 Home Buyer and Seller Generational

Good news for first-time buyers – and the agents who represent them

Breaking down the many barriers to credit erected in the wake of the mortgage crisis has been a slow process. Credit issues have kept older homeowners from selling and younger renters from buying. But according to Fannie Mae’s Q1 Mortgage Lender Sentiment

Why your clients are both confused and confident about the market

The consumer equation is messy – expectations are up, attitudes towards the current market are down, and overall, confidence is on the rise, according to The Conference Board’s March Consumer Confidence Index. Using 1985 as the index’s baseline, where

How to sell bikeability: the unexpected benefit for buyers

Urban buyers today would have hated the 1950s. In the Urban Land Institute’s “America in 2015” report, a survey of U.S. residents found that approximately half considered “walkability” a top or high priority when determining where to live. But

7 money-saving deductions for real estate agents before the tax deadline

In less than a month we will have passed the tax filing deadline; and if you’re a real estate agent unfamiliar with the credits and deductions you’re entitled to, you may be forfeiting more than you have to. Do

New NAREB initiative to boost African American homeownership

NAREB seeks to address barriers on both the borrowing and lending side of homeownership The National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) plans to launch a nationwide wealth building and  homeownership initiative focused on African Americans. The initiative has a goal

Why Millennials may leave the city after all

Cities may see less Millennials moving in going forward, thanks to shifting demographic trends as the generation grows older, according to a new CityLab report. The report, which covered a talk by USC urban planning professor Dowell Myers, argued

Five key qualities of multigenerational homes

When the great recession started in 2007, many families merged their households with older generations in order to save money. According to John Burns Real Estate Consulting, the social stigma of “multigenerational living” has disappeared, and 44 percent of

Why more Baby Boomers are choosing renting over buying

In mid January, a small cadre of consultants from research group John Burns Real Estate Consulting attended the National Multifamily Housing Conference, looking for evidence of future trends in housing. They found one, and it involves the possible decline of

First hotel since revolution sets up shop in Cuba – developers to follow?

It was a big weekend for tourism in Cuba, as two American companies inked special deals sanctioned by the U.S. government to extend their business in the Caribbean island. And it could have big implications for developers hoping to

A Quick Reference Guide to Spring Buyers

Real estate is a seasonal business – transactions rise and fall with the weather. And now it is officially spring. If agents want to capitalize on the sales bump, they’ll need to be prepared. Earlier this week, Redfin released an

Hispanics will Drive Housing’s Future. Here’s Why

New research reaffirms how important Hispanic consumers are for the future of housing in America The numbers speak for themselves: in 2015, the number of Hispanic-owner households saw a net increase of 245,000, accounting for 69 percent of the total

Why Foreign Buyers are Losing Their Love for American Real Estate

A strong dollar and rising home prices leave foreign investors cold on buying in the U.S. The post-boom U.S. housing market has benefitted immensely from foreign consumer demand. According to the National Association of Realtors, foreign homebuyers accounted for 209,000

7 Surprising Ways Homebuyers’ Generation Affects Their Purchase

New, or used? Detached, or townhome? Environmentally friendly? Close to work? Near shopping centers and entertainment venues? The number of options available to homebuyers in our real estate market is limitless, and NAR’s latest Home Buyer and Seller Generational

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