What was your first job in the real estate industry? Working for Modern Continental construction real estate division
Where did you grow up? Melrose
Growing up, what did you want to be? I always wanted to be a business owner
What do you do to relax when you’re stressed? Go out with my husband. Or spin class😊
If you could have lunch with a well-known figure (living or not), who would it be and why? I think if I had the time for a really nice lunch I would go with my mother. She is the smartest, savviest leader I know and could ever want to be.
Where is your favorite place to hang out? Skiing, or with my family in Cape Cod
What do you love most about the industry? The people, the responsibility of their next move and helping make it smooth and a little less stressful. And negotiating is fun too!
How do you distinguish yourself from the crowd of agents? I work for the client and not myself. I started when I was young and vowed to do this with my head held high and never count my check. Have it be a bonus to doing what I love to do. I remind myself every day.
What is the most difficult aspect of your job? Time management with four girls at home. But that also gives me opportunities to talk to a lot more people and be on the ground with the public more. Going from birthday party to bake sales and soccer games. Everyone wants to talk real estate.
Where do you go to network and meet new clients? Playgrounds, sports events, and lots of referrals from satisfied clients.
What has been your greatest accomplishment? My marriage. Without my husband I wouldn’t have my business, my four beautiful girls, my home. He is my guy.
What was the last good movie you saw or book you read? I’m an action, mystery, figure things out book and movie girl. I would have to say it was more of the Netflix series I’m into.
What is your favorite restaurant? Turner’s Seafood Grill & Market in Melrose, Ma.
Architecturally speaking, what is your favorite building in Boston? I love St. Francis church in Charlestown, or St. Joseph’s in Medford, Ma. I love a beautiful church. I would like to see more around the world.
What kind of car do you drive? Oh god!! Haha! A minivan. But it works great for my life.
What is your favorite city after Boston? New York
In 10 words or less, what is your advice for someone new to the industry? Be good to people and they will be good to you.
What’s your favorite real estate iPhone/Android app? Pinterest