Today’s Top News: Rocket to acquire Redfin


Agent Snapshot: Jared A. Phillips, Co-Owner/Managing Partner, Clockhouse Realty, Boston

What was your first job in the realty industry? While not exactly a professional position, at a very young age I began helping my father when he worked as a broker associate. These experiences guided me into my position at Clockhouse.

Where did you grow up? Somerset, MA

What do you do to relax when you’re stressed? I usually listen to music, exercise, or take a drive to clear my mind.

Growing up, what did you want to be? This one is easy: starting shortstop for the Boston Red Sox. Who knows, I’m only 29, it could still happen…

If you could have lunch with a well-known figure (living or not), who would it be and why? I might receive some backlash for this one being a Massachusetts native, but I have to say Derek Jeter. He is one of (if not) the best shortstops of all time, and the way he carried himself on and off the field in such a professional manner makes him without a doubt the perfect role model for anyone to emulate themselves after.

Where is your favorite place to hang out? I feel it depends on the season. In the fall you can usually catch me tailgating at football games with friends. I become more of a homebody in the winter, so I would have to say my own place is my favorite. During the spring I am usually hanging around Boston and exploring the city. In the summertime you will always find me on the beach with my daughter, friends and family.

What do you love most about the industry? I love being in a position to enhance real estate agents’ careers by offering a 90/10 commission split and eliminating all company-related fees.

What is the most difficult aspect of your job? I would have to say the work/life balance. It’s so easy for both to overlap nowadays, but I try to separate the two as best I can. It’s funny this question is being asked because my daughter recently made me agree that when it is father/daughter time I am not allowed to do any Clockhouse work unless it is an emergency, and I can’t argue with that.

Where do you go to network? In today’s world with all the technology that is available at your fingertips and all the different business functions that take place each day, virtually anywhere.

What has been your greatest accomplishment? For my personal life, without a doubt raising my daughter and teaching her right from wrong so she can become a strong, independent and successful woman someday. For business, co-founding a real estate brokerage firm designed to enhance agents’ careers and provide the best services to our buyers and sellers.

What was the last good movie you saw or book you read? Office Christmas Party – I can’t remember the last time I laughed that much watching a movie.

What is your favorite restaurant? Since I am a big fan of pasta and seafood, I have to go with the Pasta House in Fairhaven, MA. They have this incredible dish – scallops florentine. I get it every single time.

Architecturally speaking, what is your favorite building in Boston? This one is a stadium and may sound cliché, but definitely Fenway Park. There is so much history there and you can feel it as soon as you walk in.

What kind of car do you drive? A Toyota Camry

Smartphone or paper? Smartphone – I would be lost without it.

What is your favorite city after Boston? Definitely Indianapolis – I have a great group of friends out there that I met back in college and we always have a blast.

In 10 words or less, what is your advice for someone new to the industry? Listen, learn, network, and be consistent day in, day out.

What’s your favorite real estate iPhone/Android app? It’s not really a real estate app per se, but I use it as one. LinkedIn – it is one of the best ways to network and recruit agents.

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